40 Hours
At 9pm Monday I started fasting. My plan was to try and go 36 hours
without solid food. For those of you that know me, me going without
food for 36 is hours is like President Bush going 36 hours without
saying something stupid. It never happens (and thus ends my political
commentary for the day.) And yet, here I sit, 37 hours in. I managed
to last a day-and-a-half without food or soda. Just juice and water.
Granted, I'm starving right now, but I'm gonna try and hit the 40 hour
mark before I go get something to eat. It's not like marching across
a desert for 40 days and 40 nights, but it's something. I feel like
my soul has been cleansed somewhat. There are two major things
wrong with my life, but yesterday I realized that neither of them can
be fixed in a day, so I took a mental day off. Although now that I
think about it, both problems could be fixed with two phone calls
that both end with the person on the other end of the line saying
'Yes.' But I digress...
So during my day of mental relaxation, I watched Zathura. Zathura
is a sequel of sorts to Jumanji. Both were books written by the same
author, and both involve board games going horribly wrong. Zathura
takes place in outer space and for the most part, was pretty entertaining.
I think I might have liked it more than Jumanji, since it wasn't as manic
and didn't have Robin Williams. I like Williams, but when he's in a movie
he eats up the screen and the rest of the cast kind of stands in his wake.
Zathura had a cast of relative unknowns (save for a small part by Tim
Robbins) so everyone was on equal footing. It had a lot of action, some
really good special effects, and other than a single 'huh?' moment towards
the end, a decent story. Definitely worth a rental.
And now, as I'm feeling somewhat lightheaded, I'm going to go sit on my
couch till lunch.
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